Why we do what we do

There is a need to help students along their journey and identify next steps. All too often, students do not get the help they need during critical decision making years.


  • Overwhelming Numbers

    While the recommended ratio for guidance counselors to students is 1:250, data shows an average of 408 students to each guidance counselor, meaning that counselors are being stretched way too thin.

  • Ask the Question

    The fact is that many students don’t receive the assistance they need during crucial times of their schooling. We discovered that simply by asking the question, many people don’t even remember their counselor and even less feel that they received a benefit or useful insight from them.

  • The Costs

    A recent study found that parents spend nearly $900 per season for sports and $100 on pictures.

    Invest in an area that can help your students during these vital decision making years.